Awards and Recognition
- The National Administrator of the United States Small Business Administration, a Member of the President’s Cabinet Award
- The United States Small Business Administration Mass US-SBA District Director’s Award
- Massachusetts Municipal Association MMA Innovation Award
- New England Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives Economic Development Achievement Award
- The North of Boston Convention and Visitors Bureau Leadership in Tourism Award
- Massachusetts Family Business Association Family Business Advocacy Award
- Massachusetts Economic Development Council Member of the Year Award
- The Northeastern Economic Developers Association Program of the Year Award
- National Association of Workforce Development Professionals Annual Conference Presenter
- National Brownfields Training Conference Presenter
- The American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy National Conference Presenter
- The Massachusetts Municipal Associations Annual Statewide Meeting and Trade Show Presenter
- The Massachusetts Green Career Statewide Conference Presenter
- The Commonwealth Workforce Coalition Annual Workforce Development Statewide Conference Presenter
- Massachusetts Economic Development Council Statewide Conference Presenter